About the Process

What to expect

When you have your initial visit, you will spend an hour to an hour and a half with Dr. Bridgman. During this time, we will discuss your health concerns and your health history, and we will review your blood work, imagery such as X-ray and MRI, as well as your medications and supplementation.

Dr. Bridgman will take the time to physically assess your health concerns. He will take time to educate you on your health, and he will take time to help you understand your own health records. At the end of every visit you should have a plan that makes sense to you, address the concerns that you have, and a plan you can follow through with.


How to prepare

To get the most from a visit with Dr. Bridgman please fill in the paperwork and consent form ahead of time. You will get much more from the visit if you have access to your medical records or if you are able to bring a copy with you when you arrive.

Like any doctor, naturopathic doctors make a diagnosis based on symptoms, physical examination, imagery, reports from specialists, and blood work. An accurate diagnosis is essential to an effective plan.